Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Autobiography

Since the 2nd grade my English teachers have told me I had a special thing with writing. They would tell me I was a great story teller. That was the only thing I enjoyed writing; stories. Whether they were stories I made up or stories of something I read, I loved to write stories. My style of writing is descriptive. I love to use different words to describe settings, people, objects an so on. It's fun and expands my vocabulary the more I practice. My favorite stories to write are the ones that I make up! I can sit down for hours at a time and just write some wacky story that has excitement, sadness, happiness and so many more emotions. My favorite part to write is the end! I believe the end of a story is the single most important part of the story. When it comes to movies as well. The story could be amazing but without a proper ending, it could ruin the entire piece at that single moment. Leaving my audience with a great ending gives me that sense of satisfaction.

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