Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Killing Chickens"

The way the author described setting and action in this story was a great detail incorporated into this piece. Just the first line alone was extremely descriptive " I tuck her wings tight against her heaving body, crouch over her, and cover her flailing head with my gloved hand.". Another specific detail that was effective was how much emotion the author put into the dialogue. " 'It’s all right,” I say softly. “It’s all right. Everything’s going to be all right. Shhh, Silly, shhh.' I crouch over her." A third specific detail I thought was effective was the the bluntness and irony of the title. It did have to do with killing chickens but I believe the moral of the story revolved around her loved ones. That goes for her children as well as Bitty the chicken. I noticed that Hall's writing method was very descriptive. She really enjoyed bringing her audience into her mind and showing them the exact image of the story. I felt like I was watching a the story on TV that is how descriptive Meredith was in this short story.

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