Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Reading Journal - About My Kid

About My Kid This article was surprisingly really good. For some reason I thought it would not be interesting at all because it was about education and its rare for educational articles to be really exciting. But this was about a mother and her struggle with raising her child. Not a financial struggle or anything like that. A molding struggle. Or should I say a not molding struggle? She was raised around a family where everyone went to college. Both of her parents were teachers in school so it was "normal" to go to school and onto a higher education. When she had her little boy she knew what she had to do. She had to raise him into a well mannered STUDENT. She knew that a child was not someone you owned and that you could not mold them into something you wanted. She knew she had to be a support system until he grew his wings to fly. She watched him grow into a young boy with charm, great manners, great grades as well as horrible grades. He could not concentrate in class and had bad behavior here and there. It got to the point where she was willing to go into school with him and hover until he did his work. Pick him up from school and hover until his homework was done as well has organizing his planner day to day. She was so focused on giving him a normal life with all the potential he had. He could solve any technical difficulty effortlessly so she knew he had what it took. But he was not comfortable in a school setting. She finally realized that he was not going to grow up into what she thought was a "normal person" and accepted the fact that he his a human being and needed to be put into a lifestyle of his choosing. A lifestyle where he felt comfortable and was truly happy in.

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