Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Theme Proposal

There are certain topics that just appeal to me. Topics that I can read and write about all day everyday without losing a bit of interest. The topic of Education is definitely one of those never boring kind of topics. There is so much you can learn reading about education (no pun intended). The history of education, the future of education, and what it has to offer to anyone in the world. It brings people together. Gives people a common goal to achieve and celebrate together. Education is the single most crucial/exciting thing in life for me. Other than my love for music and fashion I put education at #1! Because at the end of the day my education plays the biggest role in all my loves and endeavors.

Back up ideas
- Nature
- Crime and Justice

1 comment:

  1. Education is fine as a theme, but I'd like to know in a little more detail what essays you've considered. You don't have to commit to any of them, but I'd like to make sure you have some possibilities in terms of personal, ethnographic, and argumentative writing so that you can live with this theme for the whole semester. We'll talk in class, ok?
